 XU Chao*,XIAO Lu-wei,WU Cheng-liang.*.Study on the relationship between the syndrome differ classification and the depression and anxiety for the postmenopausal women with osteoporosis[J].The Journal of Traditional Chinese Orthopedics and Traumatology,2011,23(12):3-5.





Study on the relationship between the syndrome differ classification and the depression and anxiety for the postmenopausal women with osteoporosis
1.浙江中医药大学附属第二医院,浙江 杭州 310005; 2.上海中医药大学中医师承博士, 上海 201203; 3.浙江中医药大学骨伤研究所,浙江 杭州 310058
XU Chao*XIAO Lu-weiWU Cheng-liang.*
The second affiliated hospital of Zhejiang university of Chinese Medicine,Hangzhou 310005,Zhejiang,China
骨质疏松绝经后 辨证分型 抑郁 焦虑
Osteoporosispostmenopausal SYNDROME DIFFER CLASSIFICATION Depression Anxiety
目的:探讨绝经后女性骨质疏松症患者辨证分型与抑郁、焦虑的关系。方法:将符合要求的70例绝经后女性骨质疏松症患者按中医辨证分型分为肾阳虚型、肝肾阴虚型、气滞血瘀型及气血亏虚型,并采用《汉密尔顿抑郁量表》和《汉密尔顿焦虑量表》评定患者抑郁和焦虑状况,同时对各型患者发生抑郁和焦虑的情况进行比较。结果:①70例患者中评估为抑郁者21例,评估为焦虑者24例。②70例患者中肾阳虚型15例,肝肾阴虚型21例,气滞血瘀型12例,气血亏虚型22例。③本组4种证型骨质疏松患者发生抑郁的情况比较,差异无统计学意义(χ2=7.624,P=0.051); 发生焦虑的情况比较,差异有统计学意义(χ2=9.287,P=0.026),进一步两两比较(修正后的检验水准α'=0.008),气滞血瘀型患者发生焦虑的比例高于气血亏虚型患者(χ2=7.472,P=0.006),其余各证型患者发生焦虑的情况比较,差异无统计学意义。结论:绝经后骨质疏松症患者伴有抑郁和焦虑的比例较高,但各证型患者发生抑郁和焦虑的比例差异较小。
Objective:To explore the relationship between the syndrome differ classification and the depression and anxiety for the postmenopausal women with osteoporosis.Methods:Seventy postmenopausal women with osteoporosis were divided into KIDNEY YANG DEFICIENCY type,LIVER-KIDNEY YIN DEFICIENCY type,QI STAGNATION BLOOD STASIS type and QI-BLOOD DEFICIENCY type according to syndrome differ classification in traditional Chinese medicine.The situations of depression and anxiety for the patients were evaluated according to Hamilton Depression Scale and Hamilton Anxiety Scale,and the occurrences of depression and anxiety of the patients were compared among the 4 types.Results:①Twenty-one cases with depression and 24 cases with anxiety were found in the 70 patients.②Fifteen cases with KIDNEY YANG DEFICIENCY,21 cases with LIVER-KIDNEY YIN DEFICIENCY,12 cases with QI STAGNATION BLOOD STASIS and 22 cases with QI-BLOOD DEFICIENCY were found in the 70 patients.③There was no statistical difference in depression occurrences among the 4 types of patients(χ2=7.624,P=0.051).There was statistical difference in anxiety occurrences among the 4 types of patients(χ2=9.287,P=0.026).According to the further paired comparison approach with the revised size of test(α'=0.008),the proportion of anxiety occurrence for the patients with QI STAGNATION BLOOD STASIS was higher than that of the patients with QI-BLOOD DEFICIENCY(χ2=7.472,P=0.006); while there was no statistical difference in anxiety occurrences between any other couple types.Conclusion:The patients with postmenopausal osteoporosis suffer more depression and anxiety,but there is minor difference of proportion of depression and anxiety among the patients with different syndrome differ classification.


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基金项目:浙江省自然科学基金项目(Y2111258) 通讯作者:许超 E-mail:docxuchao@126.com
更新日期/Last Update: 1900-01-01