


综 述


(天津市天津医院,天津 300211)
踝损伤 下胫腓联合 综述


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 YU Yihuo,XIE Manhua,ZHOU Wenjun,et al.A clinical study of TCM sinew-adjusting and bone-setting manipulation for treatment of chronic ankle injury[J].The Journal of Traditional Chinese Orthopedics and Traumatology,2019,31(09):20.
 ZHANG Qi,CHENG Yongzhong,HUANG Xiaoyu,et al.A study of stability of closed reduction and frame external fixation in the treatment of pronation-abduction-type trimalleolar fractures combined with distal tibiofibular syndesmosis separation[J].The Journal of Traditional Chinese Orthopedics and Traumatology,2020,32(09):14.
 LI Zhimin,SHUI Mingbin,HUANG He,et al.Endobutton plate internal fixation assisted by arthroscopy for treatment of distal tibiofibular syndesmosis injury secondary to ankle fractures[J].The Journal of Traditional Chinese Orthopedics and Traumatology,2021,33(09):57.
 LUO Jian,GAO Zhichao,MENG Yongjun,et al.Internal fixation with kirschner wire(or hollow nail)and double Endobutton plate assisted by arthroscopy for treatment of medial malleolus fractures combined with distal tibiofibular syndesmosis separation[J].The Journal of Traditional Chinese Orthopedics and Traumatology,2021,33(09):60.


通讯作者:赵洪洲 E-mail:huabanbao218@163.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2020-09-20