 HAN Tongkun,WU Ke,LIU Yuanhui.A X-ray study of cervical vertebral spinous process deviation in healthy adults[J].The Journal of Traditional Chinese Orthopedics and Traumatology,2021,33(03):6-8.





A X-ray study of cervical vertebral spinous process deviation in healthy adults
(深圳市宝安区松岗人民医院,广东 深圳 518105)
HAN TongkunWU KeLIU Yuanhui
Songgang people’s hospital of Bao’an district in Shenzhen city,Shenzhen 518105,Guangdong,China
颈椎 成年人 棘突 推拿脊柱 椎体旋转 放射摄影术
cervical vertebrae adult spinous process manipulationspinal vertebral rotation radiography
Objective:To study the cervical vertebral spinous process deviation in healthy adults,and to explore the relationship between cervical vertebral spinous process deviation and cervical vertebral rotation.Methods:The anteroposterior X-ray films of cervical vertebrae of 100 healthy adults were selected.The adults consisted of 59 males and 41 females and ranged in age from 21 to 53 years(Median=35 yrs).All patient’s vertebral rotation belonged to Neutral grade according to Nash-Moe evaluation standard.The deviation of spinous process from C2 to C7 was observed on anteroposterior X-ray films of cervical vertebrae.Results:Five hundred and sixty-six undeviated spinous processes and 34 deviated spinous processes were found in 100 healthy adult subjects(600 vertebraes),and 13 vertebrae deviated on the left side and 21 on the right side among the 34 vertebrae with deviated spinous processes.The deviations of spinous processes were found in 3(2 on the left and 1 on the right),7(3 on the left and 4 on the right),6(2 on the left and 4 on the right),3(1 on the left and 2 on the right),10(3 on the left and 7 on the right)and 5(2 on the left and 3 on the right)vertebraes at C2,C3,C4,C5,C6 and C7 segment respectively.There was no statistical difference in cervical vertebral spinous process deviation rate between different vertebral segments in general(χ2=6.610,P=0.251).There was no statistical difference in the direction of deviated cervical vertebral spinous process between different vertebral segments in general(χ2=1.476,P=0.916).Conclusion:There is a certain proportion of cervical vertebral spinous process deviation in healthy adults,so the spinous process deviation cann’t be used as the exclusive diagnostic criteria of cervical vertebral rotation in clinic.


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