 LIN Jie,FAN Zhanbiao,LIU Xianxiang.Study on medication rule extracted from prescription for treatment of osteoarthritis in Royal Formulary of Qing Dynasty written by Chen Keji based on data mining techniques[J].The Journal of Traditional Chinese Orthopedics and Traumatology,2017,29(11):15-19,25.





Study on medication rule extracted from prescription for treatment of osteoarthritis in Royal Formulary of Qing Dynasty written by Chen Keji based on data mining techniques
福建中医药大学,福建 福州 350122
LIN JieFAN ZhanbiaoLIU Xianxiang
Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Fuzhou 350122,Fujian,China
骨关节炎 中医药学文献 组方原则 数据挖掘 聚类分析
Key words osteoarthritis med pharmacol literature TCM formula composing principles data mining cluster analysis
目的:探讨陈可冀《清宫配方集成》中治疗骨关节炎组方的用药规律。方法:从《清宫配方集成》中筛选出124首治疗骨关节炎的方剂,利用Access软件建立数据库,分析每味药物的出现频次及按功效、性味、归经分类后药物的累积出现频次; 基于中医传承辅助平台软件(V2.5)对所选数据采用关联分析中的Apriori算法分析常见组方规律,采用聚类分析法演化出核心组方及新方组合。结果:124首方剂中出现频次居于前10位的中药依次为当归、牛膝、防风、独活、羌活、杜仲、乳香、没药、熟地黄、木瓜,按功效分类后出现频次居于前5位的依次为祛风湿药、活血化瘀药、补肝肾药、强筋骨药、解表药,药性以温、平多见,药味以辛、苦、甘多见,归经以肝、肾、脾经为主; 分析出常用中药组合25个,挖掘出24个核心组合、12个新方组合。结论:陈可冀《清宫配方集成》中治疗骨关节炎的中药组方,多用性温、平,味辛、苦、甘,入肝、肾、脾经的中药; 其功效多以祛风除湿、活血化瘀、补肝肾、强筋骨为主; 多以独活寄生汤为核心进行加减组方; 核心组方和新方组合可为临床遣方用药提供参考,但其疗效有待进一步研究。
ABSTRACT Objective:To explore the medication rule extracted from prescription for treatment of osteoarthritis in Royal Formulary of Qing Dynasty written by Chen Keji.Methods:One hundred and twenty-four prescriptions for treatment of OA were searched out from Royal Formulary of Qing Dynasty,and the database was established by using Access sorftware.The occurrence frequency of each drug and the accumulated frequency of drugs that were classificated according to function,property and flavour and meridian distribution were analyzed repectively.Based on the software of TCM inheritance auxiliary platform(V2.5),the common medication rules were searched out through analyzing the selected data by using Apriori algorithm in association analysis and the core prescription and combination of new prescription were obtained by using cluster analysis.Results:In 124 prescriptions,the top 10 Chinese drugs with high occurrence frequency included Chinese angelica,achyranthes bidentata,saposhnikovia divaricata,heracleum,notopterygium,eucommia ulmoides,frankincense,myrrh,prepared rehmannia root and pawpaw.According to the effect classification,the top 5 Chinese drugs with high occurrence frequency included antirheumatic Chinese drugs and Chinese drugs for blood-activating and stasis-resolving,reinforcing liver-kidney,strengthening bones and muscles and relieving exterior syndrome.The drug properties presented mainly with warm and normal; and the drug flavours presented mainly with pungent,bitter and sweet; and the meridian distributions presented mainly with liver meridian,kidney meridian and spleen meridian.Twenty five common traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)combination,24 core TCM combination and 12 new TCM combination were obtained.Conclusion:In TCM combination for treatment of osteoarthritis in Royal Formulary of Qing Dynasty written by Chen Keji,the drug properties presented mainly with warm and normal; and the drug flavours presented mainly with pungent,bitter and sweet; and the meridian distributions presented mainly with liver meridian,kidney meridian and spleen meridian; and the pharmacological actions presented mainly with antirheumatic,blood-activating and stasis-resolving,reinforcing liver-kidney,strengthening bones and muscles.Duhuo Jisheng Tang(独活寄生汤)was usually used as the core of TCM combination.The core TCM combination and new TCM combination can provide reference for clinical medication,while their curative effects need to be further studied.


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基金项目:福建省高等学校新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目(闽教科〔2017〕52号); 陈可冀中西医结合发展基金项目(CKJ2017002) 通讯作者:刘献祥 E-mail:liuxianxiang@163.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2018-04-02